Crossbones (Series 2014)
Crossbones (Series 2014). is an American action-adventure drama television series that aired on the NBC network from May 30 to August 2, 2014. The series is a fictionalization of the life of the pirate Edward “Blackbeard” Teach, who is still alive in 1729 (historically, he died in 1718).
Directed by [numerous]
Written by [numerous]
Produced by [numerous]
Starring John Malkovich, Richard Coyle, Claire Foy, Yasmine Al Massri, David Hoflin, Chris Perfetti, Tracy Ifeachor, Peter Stebbings, Omar Cruz Soto, Julian Sands, Ezra Buzzington , Henry Hereford, Natalie Hoflin, Lauren Shaw, Hani Naimi, Aimee Mullins