Racing Around the World Alone (2010)
Racing Around the World Alone (2010). The story of the 2008/2009 Vendée Globe race. 30 skippers embark on a quest to be the fastest to sail 27000 miles around the world, non stop, without assistance and alone on 60 foot sailboats. The sailors are alone at sea for months and growlers (Icebergs), sea mammals, and massive waves are a constant danger. On any day the forces of nature can bring an end to the best sailor’s well made plans.
Directed by Ingrid Johansson, Benjamin Rouse
Written by John Curtis, Ingrid Johansson, Chad Oliver Nunn, Benjamin Rouse
Produced by Ingrid Johansson, Benjamin Rouse
Written by Petter Skavlan
Starring David Kinsman, Boissieres Arnaud, Unai Basurko, Yannick Bestaven, Jeremie Beyou, Samantha Davies, Michel Desjoyeaux, Jean-Pierre Dick, Yann Elies, Mike Golding, Marc Guillemot, Derek Hatfield, Dejenaty Jean-Baptiste, Sabastian Josse, Roland Jourdain, Jean Le Cam, Armel Le Cleach, Jonny Malbon, Kito Pavant, Loïck Peyron, Dinelli Raphael, Vincent Riou, Norbert Sedlacek, Bernard Stamm, Brian Thompson, Alex Thomson, Dominique Wavre, Steve White, Rich Wilson